Tim Van Damme Inspired by Tim Vand Damme


29 December 2011


The story of Aion is rich and diverse, stretching back thousands of years to the creation and subsequent shattering of Atreia to the present day.

I would know because I have seen it all unfold before my very eyes. I watched as the violent struggle unfolded and Atreia was torn apart. Who is to blame when it is all said and done? The Asmodians and Elyos have chosen to blame one another. While I, unburdened by association with either, seek to collect all that was once Atreia’s written history. I am neither Judge nor Jury, but maybe in my task the truth of the Cataclysm will be exposed.
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28 December 2011

Assassin 2.7 Skill Changes


1. Reduced the amount of DP used by the following skills, from 3000 to 2000:

- Assassin skill ‘Wind Walk I'.

2. Reduced the cooldowns of the following skills:

- Assassin skill ‘Apply Poison I~IV', from 2 minutes to 10 seconds.
- Assassin skill ‘Apply Deadly Poison I~IV', from 2 minutes to 10 seconds.
- Assassin skill ‘Blinding Burst I', from 10 minutes to 3 minutes.
- Assassin skill ‘Quickening Doom I', from 1 minute 30 seconds to 1 minute.
3. The Assassin skills ‘Dash Attack I~IV' and ‘Throw Dagger I' no longer share a cooldown timer.

4. Increased the accuracy of the Assassin's Rune Carve type skills.

5. Increased the stun rate of the Assassin's Ambush III – VI skills.

6. Increased the attack power and HP drainage of the Asmodian Assassin's skills Darkness Rune I and Rune Swipe I.

7. Fixed incorrect tooltips about the materials for Assassin's Apply Deadly Poison I and Apply Lethal Venom I - IV.

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